Greetings dear Vivos! First of all, we did not disappear at the turn of the year. Instead, we took the opportunity to continue the work on our mission for 2016, which is of course the next full length album. A lot of stuff still needs to be done, but we face this monster head on. Besides our tinkering, X-Vivo switched places. We left our old rehearsal room and are going to move into our new “home” around the next couple of weeks, pics will follow.

What can you expect from X-Vivo in 2016? As already said, our first priority is the album which also includes the artwork, merch, video and an epic party to release this beast onto the world. Furthermore, we are still looking for a brave soul to handle our wicked double-bass parts. If you think you are sick enough for X-Vivo, just give us a call.

Our wishes? A bunch of awesome gigs with all of you maniacs in the first rows! Saying, thx for your support in 2015 and let’s keep it up for 2016\m/

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